Regarding the version, by design if running Centos, which purposely has a long cycle between releases based on upstream for stability. I'm not against upgrading this though. :)

So I did in fact read the users file or I wouldn't have made it this far, but I'm not seeing anything that points me to this.

Upon further analysis, I can make this work, it seems from the Users file.

But if I have the user in mysql it will only respond with an Access- Accept if the password type on NTRadPing is set to Chap.

On Dec 1, 2009, at 6:01 PM, wrote:

I've got a 1.1-3 FreeRadius server and trying to figure out what to do
to enable PAP authentication.  CHAP is working when I use Radius Ping
but if I change the Password to

User-Password which if I understand it is supposed to enable PAP.
When I do this, I get a Access-Reject. Is there something else I need
to do to enable PAP or force it?

Why are you using such an ancient server version? Upgrade. Or read
instructions in users file. They should be relevant for your server

Ivan Kalik

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