
In modules/ldap, I have:

ldap ldap_staff{

Queries the staff ou in AD


ldap ldap_student{

Queries the student ou in AD


In authorise section of inner tunnel virtual server I have:

        if (ok) {
            update reply {
                Tunnel-Type = "VLAN"
                Tunnel-Medium-Type = "IEEE-802"
                Tunnel-Private-Group-Id = 141
        else {
          if (ok) {
            update reply {
                Tunnel-Type = "VLAN"
                Tunnel-Medium-Type = "IEEE-802"
                Tunnel-Private-Group-Id = 142
          else {

All working OK and happily authorising any user who exists in Active Directory 
and instructs the NAS which vlan to put them into.

Now I'm trying to authorise/authenticate users in a particular AD group for 
console access to the NAS (cisco switch)

In default virtual server I have, after pap:

$INCLUDE local/default_policy

And in local/default_policy:

if(!control:Auth-Type && request:NAS-Port-Type == Async && Ldap-Group == 
     update control {
          Auth-Type = "ntlm_auth"

ADGROUP is replaced with whichever group has the appropriate users

If I don't have the Ldap-Group condition everything works except any valid 
username/password pair works.
When I add the condition, radiusd -x shows
rlm_ldap: performing search in ou=students, dc=ad, dc=hud, dc=ac, dc=uk, with 
filter (sAMAccountName=user)
rlm_ldap: object not found
rlm_ldap::ldap_groupcmp: search failed

First question - How do I tell rlm_ldap to query the staff ou without breaking 
the bit that is already working
Second question - Is there any reason I shouldn't use the "$INCLUDE 
local/default_policy" construct. The idea is to make the policies easy to find 
as they get more complex; there are several more groups of users to go yet.

Thanks in advance,


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