Alan DeKok wrote:
Andrew Rikhlivsky wrote:
After downloading latest freeradius v2.1.7 sources, and configuring
(./configure --without-openssl --without-snmp) i start make and see next

# make

  Use "gmake".  FreeRADIUS requires GNU Make.

  Alan DeKok.
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Thanks, its working

1. Update perl
2. Install Crypt::Rijndael perl module
3. Create script with chmod +x

# cat ~/
# ================================================== =======================
#* * * * * * * * * * Nodeny.
# ================================================== =======================
use IO::Socket;
use Sys::Hostname;
use Crypt::Rijndael;

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

$yourpass = '*******'; # $server = ''; # $portno = 7723; #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ver = 14; # protocol version
$v = 0; # 1 - verbose
# ================================================== =======================

sub SEND
* $sock1->send($_[0]);

sub GET
* my ($i,$n,$str,$tmout,$rin,$txt,$ip,$addr) = (0,10,'',5,'','','','');
* vec($rin,fileno($sock2),1) = 1;
* while (select($txt = $rin, undef, undef, $tmout) && ++$i<$n)
* * {
* * * $tmout = 0;
* * * $addr = recv($sock2, $txt, 100, 0);
* * * ($ip, $addr) = sockaddr_in($addr);
* * * $ip = join(".",unpack ("C4", $addr));
* * * next if $ip ne $server;
* * * $str=$txt;
* * }
* unless ($str)
* * {
* * * $noanswer++;
* * * if ($noanswer>10) {$noanswer=0; sleep 20;}
* * * print "no answer...\n" if $v;
* * }
* return($str);

# ================================================== 

$passwd_in* = substr((substr $yourpass, 0, 3)."Z" x 16, 0, 16);
$passwd_out = substr((substr $yourpass, 3, 16)."0" x 16, 0, 16);

$sock1 = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => 'udp', PeerPort => $portno, PeerAddr => 
unless ($sock1) {print "Cannot create socket...exit\n"; exit;}

$proto = getprotobyname('udp');
unless (socket($sock2, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, $proto) &&
* * * * bind($sock2, sockaddr_in($portno, INADDR_ANY)) )
* * * {print "Cannot bind socket...exit\n"; exit;}

$id = substr(rand,2,6);
$noanswer = 0;

* $id = 999999 unless $id--;
* &SEND("$ver$id");
* print "BEGIN SESSION\n" if $v;

* $p = &GET;
* next unless $p;
* if ($p !~ /^id(.{16})$ver$id$/s)
* * {
* * * &GET;
* * * &GET;
* * * sleep 1;
* * * next;
* * }
* $cipher = new Crypt::Rijndael $passwd_in,Crypt::Rijndael::MODE_CBC;
* $key = $cipher->decrypt($1);
* $cipher = new Crypt::Rijndael $passwd_out,Crypt::Rijndael::MODE_CBC;
* $skey = $cipher->encrypt($key);
* &SEND($skey."b$ver$id"); * $p = &GET;
* next unless $p;
* $stat = substr $p,0,2;
* $stat = $stat eq 'ok' || $stat eq 'sv' ? "OK" : "NO";
* print "AUTH $stat\n" if $v;

* sleep 40;

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