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> Hi again:<br>
> <br>
> I have just tried with both CN that I could found at my 'client
> certificate'<br>
> <br>
> <big><tt><small><a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated"
> href="mailto:subject=/C=FR/ST=Isere/O=ESRF/CN=swatzy01.esrf.fr/emailaddress=u...@example.com";>subject=/C=FR/ST=Isere/O=ESRF/CN=swatzy01.esrf.fr/emailaddress=u...@example.com</a><br>
> <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated"
> href="mailto:issuer=/C=FR/ST=Isere/L=Grenoble/O=ESRF/emailaddress=ad...@example.com/CN=radiusserv.esrf.fr";>issuer=/C=FR/ST=Isere/L=Grenoble/O=ESRF/emailaddress=ad...@example.com/CN=radiusserv.esrf.fr</a></small><br>
> </tt></big><br>
> So I have tested with:<br>
> - Server or Certificate Name == <big><tt><small>swatzy01.esrf.fr<br>
> </small></tt></big>- Server or Certificate Name ==
> <big><tt><small>radiusserv.esrf.fr<br>
> </small></tt></big><br>
> But with the same result:<br>
> <br>
> <tt>Found Auth-Type = EAP<br>
> +- entering group authenticate {...}<br>
> [eap] Request found, released from the list<br>
> [eap] EAP/ttls<br>
> [eap] processing type ttls<br>
> [ttls] Authenticate<br>
> [ttls] processing EAP-TLS<br>
> [ttls] eaptls_verify returned 7<br>
> [ttls] Done initial handshake<br>
> [ttls] &lt;&lt;&lt; TLS 1.0 Alert [length 0002], fatal unknown_ca<br>
> TLS Alert read:fatal:unknown CA<br>
> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; TLS_accept:failed in SSLv3 read client certificate
> A<br>
> rlm_eap: SSL error error:14094418:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1
> alert unknown ca<br>
> SSL: SSL_read failed inside of TLS (-1), TLS session fails.<br>
> TLS receive handshake failed during operation<br>
> [ttls] eaptls_process returned 4<br>
> [eap] Handler failed in EAP/ttls<br>
> [eap] Failed in EAP select<br>
> ++[eap] returns invalid<br>
> Failed to authenticate the user.</tt><br>
> <br>
> I have already done also what "Ivan Kalik" said (altering
> certs/Makefile to sign client certificates with ca certificate instead
> of server certificate.)<br>
> Because of that, "Microsoft: Smart Card or other Certificate" works
> fine right now (not before)<br>
> But I'm still not able to perform "Intel: EAP-TTLS" with "PAP
> user/password", "Server Certificate Validation" + "Specify Server or
> Certificate Name"&nbsp; (if I remove last part... also works fine!!)<br>
> <br>
> thanks in advance for all your kindly help.<br>
> regards,<br>
> <br>
> &nbsp;&nbsp; Fernando.<br>
> <br>
> Alan Buxey wrote:
> <blockquote cite="mid:20091203135939.ga5...@lboro.ac.uk" type="cite">
>   <pre wrap="">Hi,
>   </pre>
>   <blockquote type="cite">
>     <pre wrap="">...and I guest it is not due to the "Client Certificate"
> because it was succeed authenticated in the previous tests
> Probably is due to I am not sure what I should write in the box reserved
> for "Server or Certificate Name" (on the "Step 2 of 2" at the supplicant
> windows software)
> Anyone knows what I should write at this box? I could not find a "server
> name" or "domain name" at the certificate (as it is explained on the
> "windows in-line help")
>     </pre>
>   </blockquote>
>   <pre wrap=""><!---->
> this will be the CN of your server certificate.
> so, if , when your RADIUS server got signed by the CA it became known
> as eg radius.happyorg.org  then the name you put into the client is
> radius.happyorg.org
> dotn forget, this is NOT a DNS name - it is purely a 'label' - just the CN
> of the server.... and you must have the CA present to check that server
> cert
> has been signed by your trusted CA  (for otherwise anyone can make a
> server
> have a dumb cert with radius.happyorg.org as its CN
> alan
>   </pre>
> </blockquote>
> <br>
> </body>
> </html>

1. Learn how to use e-mail.

2. That issuer looks like server certificate. You say you made client
certificates signed by ca certificate. This doesn't seem to be one of
them. If you can do EAP-TLS with the client certificate, you should be
able to do EAP-TTLS with them too.

Ivan Kalik

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