At 02:54 PM 12/5/2009, Alex Bahoor wrote:


Imagine DNS uses dynamic port assignment instead of port 53? Guess what, no one would be able to use the internet. :-)


First, I believe you're trying to respond to me.

Second, you're asking questions about which you don't apparently understand.

What if I wanted to run my own implementation of DNS to do something bizarre? SSH on a different port than 22 (quite common)? A web server on port 88? Telnet on port 8000. I can do all of those things. And apache, bind, tftp, ftp, telnet, sshd (and really almost every service that assigns a port) all have the ability to change the default port.

If I'm running my own services, I might want the ability to run them on non-standard ports. That's why there are defaults, AND the ability to change them.


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