Alex Bahoor wrote:
> This is a fact--the internet would not work if DNS uses dynamic port to
> listen to? You must understand, all these known port numbers are used to
> start up client connections, however dynamic port assignment is part of the
> process to create connections between clients and servers.

  I would suggest not explaining basic networking.  Since I work with
FreeRADIUS && UDP networking daily, you should presume that I have some
minor understanding of it.

> So a client
> starts with port 53 as its destination port, then the DNS, which listen on
> this port, assign a port dynamically for the end user. When the connection
> is established between the client and server, port 53 is out of the
> established connection. 

  No.  That is not how networking works.

> But still, why netstat does not show the port numbers?

  I explained.  Did you read and/or understand it?

  And "man netstat" might be useful, too.

  In any case, this list is not the place to discuss netstat, or why you
don't understand its output.  Please stop.

  Alan DeKok.
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