Alisson wrote:
> one last doubt...
> for 3500 customers what is a good configuration in radiusd.conf

  The default configuration.

> for this function
> thread pool {
> start_servers = 1
> max_servers = 1 
> min_spare_servers = 1
> max_spare_servers = 1
> max_requests_per_server = 0
> }

  That is not the default configuration.

  You have changed the server to *slow it down*.


  If this issue is so important for you, why are you so insistent on
ignoring *all* help that you get on this list?

  A basic install of FreeRADIUS + MySQL on a normal system will get
100's of auth/s with 10's of 1000's of users in the DB.  If you can't
get that, it is because *you* have broken the configuration.

  Don't break the default configuration.

  Follow instructions on this list.

  It's really *not* that difficult to make the server work.

  *Stop* editing things you don't understand.

  All you need to do is to *stop* breaking the server.

  Alan DeKok.
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