Thanks for your answer, but there is a bit problem. I'm using 2.1.6 and so I
did your first solution, but radiusd can't run and reports this error:
/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default[219]: Parse error after
Error reading /etc/raddb/radius.conf

I wrote this code in authorize section:
if("%{reply.Session-Octets-Limit}"  >= 20000) {
      update reply {
         Session-Octets-Limit !* ANY

BTW is your second solution removed value of Session-Octets-Limit or removed
it completely?

thanks again
Hamid Reza Hasani
Ya Ali

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 8:53 PM, Alexander Clouter <a...@digriz.org.uk>wrote:

> Hamid Reza Hasani <hr.has...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > [snipped]
> >
> > I add this lines at the end of authorize section:
> > if("%{reply.Session-Octets-Limit}"  >= 20000) {
> >     update reply {
> >         Session-Octets-Limit [I don't know what!....and am too lazy
> >                               to read the docs or look through the
> >                               mailing list archives so asked the
> >                               lazyweb instead]
> >     }
> > }
> >
> *sigh*
> http://freeradius.org/radiusd/man/unlang.html#lbAH
> What you are looking for is:
> ----
> Session-Octets-Limit !* ANY
> ----
> Although...this only was fixed in 2.1.8...you will see the workaround
> for eariler version is:
> ----
> Session-Octets-Limit -= "'%{reply:Session-Octets-Limit}"
> ----
> Cheers
> --
> Alexander Clouter
> .sigmonster says: Poverty begins at home.
> -
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