piston wrote:
> Due some limitation, my partner is using two different server to handle 
> different auth-type (PAP / EAP), said server1 only take PAP cannot handle 
> EAP, server 2 take EAP cannot handle PAP.
> But their user (realm xyz.com), login at my location maybe authenticate by 
> PAP or EAP, depending what kind of services they're selected.


> My challenge is how to proxy the same realm to two different server depending 
> on the auth-type.

  Define two realms: PAP.xyc.com, and EAP.xyz.com.  These should have
the server IPs and secrets for the relevant servers.

  Then, define a realm xyz.com:

        realm xyz.com {
                # NOTHING

  In "authorize", *after* the "realms" module, do:

        if (Realm == "xyz.com") {
                if (EAP-Message) {
                        update control {
                                Proxy-To-Realm := "EAP.xyz.com"
                else {
                        update control {
                                Proxy-To-Realm := "PAP.xyz.com"
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