Alan DeKok wrote:
  What you need is a simple rule:

        if NOT from (other two servers)
                copy to other two servers


        if ((Packet-Src-IP-Address != A) && (Packet-Src-IP-Address != B)) {

  Alan DeKok.
Thank you Alan, but would I place this in acct_users?

You see as I see how this approach works is that the detail (detail-B, detail-C) files are created and filled up with contents from server instance-A. While the detail-reader-B and detail-reader-C are based from copy-acct-to-home-server. (So I see now how the packets enter back into the server, but how to configure the server to send detail-B's contents to server B and likewise with C is where I am having trouble..)

Some guidance will be appreciated.

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