Whitmarsh Mark (Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust) wrote:
> The idea is that superusers are allowed to login to any of the 200 network 
> devices whilst users are only allowed to login to a subset of say 50 devices.
> It's straightforward enough for the superusers and works fine but I'm stumped 
> on how to handle the others. I have tested the following OK in 
> sites-enabled/default:

  Groups.  See "man rlm_passwd".  Create RADIUS-specific groups, and
check them.  Users can be in a group, *or* NASes.

  Alan DeKok.
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  • Restricting certain us... Whitmarsh Mark (Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust)
    • Re: Restricting c... Alan DeKok
      • RE: Restricti... Whitmarsh Mark (Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust)
        • Re: Restr... Alan DeKok
          • RE: R... Whitmarsh Mark (Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust)
            • ... Alan DeKok
              • ... Whitmarsh Mark (Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust)
                • ... Alan DeKok
                • ... Whitmarsh Mark (Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust)

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