Natr Brazell wrote:
> I've set up FR2 to log acct data to mysql and that appears to be
> working.  I'm curious about how to enable the logging of specific
> attributes that are being sent by the NAS.  Specifically:

  Edit the schema && queries.

> As you can see in the Accounting-Request packet above There is a
> NAS-Identifier and a Juniper-Interactive-Command entry.  Those
> attributes are not being logged (nor do I think I'd want them) in my
> radacct file.   Is there a way to have radius automatically populate an
> accountingactivity table (history file if you will)?

  Sure.  Edit the configuration to make it do that.  The queries are in
a configuration file for a reason: they can be edited.

>  Or this there a
> manual way say in postauth to send those attributes to a mysql table
> via  script when an Accounting-Request packet is received. 

  postauth is not used for Accounting-Request packets.

  Alan DeKok.
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