Aziz YÜCELEN wrote:
>  I am setup again and dont configure defaullts.Run radiusd -X and
> receive user reject, output is below. Thanks for all.
> Sending tunneled request
>     EAP-Message = 0x0211000b0164656e656d65
>     FreeRADIUS-Proxied-To =
>     User-Name = "deneme"
> server inner-tunnel {
> No authenticate method (Auth-Type) configuration found for the request:
> Rejecting the user

  Did you read the debug output to see if the problem had *changed*?
Because it hasn't.  You're still using the broken configuration that you

  You need to delete *everything* from the current installation.
Binaries, libraries, configuration files, the whole raddb/ directory.
Then re-install, and don't mangle the configuration again.

  It's really not that hard.  The documentation and web pages give
*explicit* instructions for getting TTLS and PEAP to work.  You have
ignored those instructions, and done something else.

  Alan DeKok.
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