So I need to change the passwd file name ?
Now using : /etc/freeradius/modules/passwd

or do I need to do somehting like this in the passwd file

Passwd-name {
        filename = /etc/tac-plus/passwd
        format = "*User-Name:Password"
        hashsize = 0
        delimiter = :
        authtype = pap

Best regards
Jan Madsen

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
[] På vegne af 
Alan DeKok
Sendt: 9. juli 2010 09:32
Til: FreeRadius users mailing list
Emne: Re: Simple Configuration of using passwd-like file, howto needed

Madsen.Jan JMD wrote:
> My specific configuration to get this working looks like this
> Passwd module file
>         filename = /etc/tac-plus/passwd

  Hmm... there's more to it than that.  What did you name the module?

> The debug output look like this when I try to do an authentication using
> radtest command

  Shows now "passwd" module listed in the "authorize" section.

  You need to do that.

  Alan DeKok.
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