Hello list

I am using FR with WPA2-Enterprise autentification in Wifi environment with this scheme:

SSID 1 \
SSID 2 --- AP <-- Trunk --> Ruter <-----> FreeRadius
SSID 3 /

My goal is to configure different security for different SSID through one freeradius with virtual server feature.

My first question is, if it's possible to have different FR server configuration per SSID on single Access Point? AP have its IP address from specific managemenet VLAN (different from any SSID X VLAN). I know, that on freeradius side can be configuration separated by client IP address, but in my scenario, the IP of radius client is same for every VLAN/SSID, but the only distinguished part in communication is "Called-Station-Id" in Access-Request with form: <radio-mac>:<ssid>.

Ok, next question which is related a bit to previously one. I have presumted that freeradius cannot distinguishes between requests from different SSID, so I have configured different IP address of Radius server per SSID configuration on AP and all IP addresses are pointed to single radius server and I want to use one virtual server per listen IP address. But how I should to tell FR server, which EAP configuration must apply to which virtual server?
SSID 1: Security WPA2-Ent. with EAP-PEAP, for authorized mobile clients
SSID 2: Security WPA2-Ent. with EAP-TLS, for persistent wifi computers with installed certificates

How can I configure this situation with FR Virtual server feature? Can I simply copy, rename and modify "eap" part from eap.conf to "eap_2" and applying it in athorize/authenticate sections in second virtual server? It is enough? I have looking for any example for this scenario but whithout any success.


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