Alex wrote:
> FreeRADIUS Version 2.1.10 (from git sources).
> I'm using dhcp feature of freeradius to assign static ips to computers
> dynamically.

$ git pull
$ (cd src/lib;make) && (cd src/main;make)

> but both this two values (0x000401e30420 and 0x000600FFFFFFFF00) are
> assigned to DHCP-Relay-Agent-Information.
> tcpdump shows both as opt82 suboption 0:
> 5206000401e30420
> 5208000600FFFFFFFF00
> Need help in setting this options correctly.

  Double-check that you're using the "dictionary.dhcp" file that comes
with 2.1.10.  *Don't* use the file that comes with 2.1.9.

  Alan DeKok.
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