01.08.2010 16:06, Alan DeKok пишет:
Urazaev Vadim wrote:
I`m trying to set up freeradius as dhcp server and everythins seem to be
ok, in radiusd -X I can see the DHCP-Discover packets that comes from
client and DHCP-Offer that server sending to client.
When I tried to find out to which interface server send`s responses I
saw that responses server put into interface where dafult gateway is
In configuration of dhcp listener there is an option "interface", but
when I tried to set it up I see a message
Failed binding to interface "ifname": "bind to device" is unsupported

   FreeBSD doesn't support binding to interfaces.

My question is: Is there solution for this situation ?

   Update the FreeRADIUS code so that it uses a BPF socket on FreeBSD.

   Or, run on a system with only one interface.

   Alan DeKok.
I found another solution for this problem. (Maybe it will be useful for some one) The proble can be solved by using setfib command and create routing table for the radiusd process.
we have a FreeBSD BOX with two interfaces and default gateway which is on WAN interface, and dhcp packets comming from LAN interface on which network to force freeradius sending it`s responses to those interface we have to do
setfib 1 route add default
(It can be any host in network)
and in rc.local
setfib 1 /path/to/radiusd
kernel must be made with
options ROUTETABLES=2 or greater

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