Sallee, Stephen (Jake) wrote:
> I have a working FreeRADIUS server that will authenticate linux clients
> happily, however my windows clients are unable to authenticate.  Here is
> [peap] <<< TLS 1.0 Alert [length 0002], fatal unknown_ca
> TLS Alert read:fatal:unknown CA
>     TLS_accept:failed in SSLv3 read client certificate A

  The supplicant is sending a certificate that the server doesn't recognize.

> As you can see the problem seems to lie in the TLS section, but I have
> followed all the HOWTOs I can find on installing and configuring the
> server cert.  but to no avail.  How do I tell the FreeRADIUS box to
> trust its own certificate?  The cert was generated and signed on the
> FreeRADIUS box.

  It's not a problem with FreeRADIUS.  It's a problem with the
supplicant. (i.e. Windows box)

> Also as a side note, the linux users are able to authenticate by typing
> in domain\username, but doing this on a windows box shows very strange
> things in the radius log, and fails to authenticate.  Is there a way to
> make both operating systems behave the same?  Otherwise my windows
> clients must use the usern...@domain convention, once I get that working

  What "strange things" show up in the log?  Is it a secret?

  Alan DeKok.
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