Paul Dugas wrote:
> The settings in NetworkManager on my Fedora Linux laptop, when I
> choose WPA&WPA2-Enterprise and PEAP, allow MSCHAPv2 (default), MD5,
> and GTC for the inner authentication.  I see on the protocol
> compatibility table you referenced that only clear-text and ntlm_auth
> are available under PEAP and EAP-MSCHAPv2. 

  No.  MS-CHAP is compatible with the "NT Hash" form, or "NT-Password".
 This same form is also used by ntlm_auth.

> I do not have clear-text
> passwords in my LDAP directory so I concluded I needed to look into
> ntlm_auth.
> Where did I go wrong?

  You have mistaken a tool for a method. "ntlm_auth" is a tool which
gets MS-CHAP to authentication to Active Directory.  "NT hash" is a
password hashing method.

  If you do not have clear-text or NT hashed passwords in your LDAP
database, then *no* tool will magically make MS-CHAP work.  The problem
is the method used to store the password.  The problem is *not* the tool
used to retrieve the password.

  Alan DeKok.
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