On Aug 25, 2010, at 3:14 AM, Alan DeKok wrote:
> Derek Chee wrote:
>> I have a FreeRADIUS 2.1.9 installation (compiled from source) running on 
>> Solaris 10 Sparc and I've run into a memory leak issue when reloading the 
>> configuration with a HUP signal.  I have a very simple RADIUS setup with 
>> just an authorize and a users file.  The users file is rather large at 41MB 
>> and over 110,000 records, but I've noticed that problem with the default 
>> empty users file, too.
>> Starting up FreeRADIUS with -X, waiting until FreeRADIUS says "Ready to 
>> process requests." and checking the memory usage, I get this:
> ...
>> Eventually the radiusd process takes up all of the memory on the system and 
>> the system grinds to a halt.
>> Does anybody have any suggestions on what might be causing this and how to 
>> fix it?
>  It's not a memory leak.  The server keeps the old configuration around
> for a while after a HUP.  This is because a request might still be in
> the middle of being processed, and therefore is using the old configuration.
>  If you wait at least 60 seconds between HUPs, the old "users" file
> configuration will be freed.  There will still, however, be portions of
> the configuration that *cannot* be free'd without drastic changes to the
> server core.
>  i.e. The server will user a small amount of additional memory on every
> HUP.
>  If this is a problem, then patches are welcome.

Ah, okay, thanks for explaining it.  I was HUP'ing the server rather fast, so I 
wasn't giving it a break.

-- Derek
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