> I tracked down where this is different.
> In huntgroups I have:
>         VPN_Huntgroup          NAS-IP-Address == x.x.x.x
> In users I have:
> DEFAULT Huntgroup-Name == VPN_Huntgroup, Ldap-Group == "VPN_Users"
>         Reply-Message := "Authorized Users Only"
> For a normal user, I see:
> Tue Aug 24 17:02:32 2010 : Info: ++- if (Huntgroup-Name ==
> "VPN_Huntgroup") returns ok

  The "if" statement there is NOT the "users" file.  It is an entry you
added in the file raddb/sites-available/default.

  Run the server in FULL debugging mode to see what it's doing, and why.

  Alan DeKok.
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