On 09/13/2010 01:44 PM, Michael Bathe wrote:
Hallo Liste,

is there any how_to or solution to interpret the ldap checkItem and
change the replyItem (I think in inner-tunnel)?
f.e.: If the checkItem match one of 'sec11', 'Sec11', 'SEC11'... the
replyItem should be set to '111'.

checkItem       Tunnel-Private-Group-Id         sectionNetwork
replyItem       Tunnel-Private-Group-Id         sectionNetwork

This looks wrong.

the following in users file wont work:

DEFAULT Tunnel-Private-Group-Id == "sec11"
         Reply-Message += "changed "

DEFAULT Auth-Type == EAP
         Tunnel-Medium-Type = "IEEE-802",
         Tunnel-Type = "VLAN",
         Reply-Message += "Access success for %{User-Name}.",
         Fall-Through = no

This also looks wrong.

What are you trying to do, in more detail? Something is settings Tunnel-Private-Group-Id to "sec11", and then you want to re-write it to "111" - why not just change the thing that sets it in the first place?
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