On 16/09/10 10:16, Eric Doutreleau wrote:
thanks for your replay

here what i did

in the ldap.attrmap i put
checkItem       User-Category eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation

checkItem means "put the attribute into the check/config items list".

Looking at the source code, I see that rlm_ldap can't update the request item list.

in the user file i did
          Tunnel-Type := VLAN,
          Tunnel-Medium-Type := IEEE-802,
          Tunnel-Private-Group-Id = 901,
          Fall-Through = Yes

DEFAULT User-Category == "student"
          Reply-Message = "Your a member of the student Group",
          Tunnel-Private-Group-Id = 902

This means "match User-Category in the request items list", which is not the list you've put it in.

"files" syntax cannot do comparisons against check/config or reply items, and LDAP can only put items into check/config or reply. You will therefore have to use an "unlang" syntax as per my previous email:

authorize {
  if (control:User-Category == ...) {
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