Thank you Alexander for clarification and I'm sorry to ask such questions;

So I want to install a radius server. The documentation maked me confused to
use free radius with Jradius. I want to connect to the radius server
(Jradius or freeradius or the two at the same time I don't know) using
TinyRadius Library.

So I must know the secret key used by the server to use it side the client
Also I want to add a VSA role attribute to know the role of the user
(Viewer, admin ...)

Is there a good documentation helping me how can I proceed??

Thanks in advance

2010/9/30 Alexander Clouter <a...@digriz.org.uk>

> Noura Kossentini <kossentini.no...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > *VSA: Vendor*-*Specific Attributes*
> >
> I think telling the core/solo developer and author of FreeRADIUS what
> 'VSA' stands for is unlikely to be quite the 'what' he was hoping you
> would answer.
> Your question is 'meaningless', I think it might be a language barrier
> at work here.
> If we assume language barrier then the only interpretation left to us is
> that you do not read documentation?  I guess typing into Google
> 'FreeRADIUS VSA' is just too damn hard when instead you could find
> (probably using Google), subscribe, post and wait for a response on a
> mailing list.
> http://lmgtfy.com/?q=freeradius+vsa
> *sigh*
> ...and yes, the very *first* hit is what you want.  Once slight
> annoyance is the broken link on the page to the dictionary manpage:
> http://freeradius.org/radiusd/man/dictionary.html
> In future (this is what I tell our helpdesk and users) you must
> always provide answers to:
>  * what is it that you are trying to do?
>  * how is it that you are going about doing it?
>  * what are you expecting to happen?
>  * what is actually happening?
> Answering those simple *four* questions as fully as you can (full
> debug  output if necessary) when confronted with a problem in
> computing will supply us with what we need to know to help you.
> Cheers
> --
> Alexander Clouter
> .sigmonster says: I always have fun because I'm out of my mind!!!
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See
> http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

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