janardhan madabattula wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to create IPv6 Ascend Data Filter in Free radius. but
> unfortunately its not happening. Any help?

  See the FAQ for "it doesn't work".

> I have created Ascend-Data-Filter  242 abinary attribute in dictinary
> filter.

  Why?  The attribute is already defined in the default dictionaries.

> I am following this URL to create ADF.
> http://www.juniper.net/techpubs/software/erx/junose100/sw-rn-erx1001/html/sw-rn-erx-1001-rli4249-adf-support-for-ipv63.html#324522

  Uh... that isn't FreeRADIUS documentation.

  You can specify the attribute as hex, but you will need to change the
data type from "abinary" to "octets".

  Alan DeKok.
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