Hi Alan

OK - Got working - did a look at rlm_ldap.c, and ldap.h (ldap_is_ldap_url and ldap_url_parse fuctions) - altough I have one issue more, ... se below

if ("%{ldap:ldap://{User- Name},OU=Users,DC=marcolinux,DC=local?eckAllowedServices}" == "%{NAS- Identifier}" ) {
        else {

debug is

++? if ("%{ldap:ldap://{User- Name},OU=Users,DC=marcolinux,DC=local?eckAllowedServices}" == "%{NAS- Identifier}" )
rlm_ldap: - ldap_xlat
expand: ldap://{User- Name},OU=Users,DC=marcolinux,DC=local?eckAllowedServices -> ldap://,OU=Users,DC=marcolinux,DC=local?eckAllowedServices
rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Checking Id: 0
rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Got Id: 0
rlm_ldap: performing search in CN=testuser,OU=Users,DC=marcolinux,DC=local, with filter (null)
rlm_ldap: Adding attribute eckAllowedServices, value: ftp
rlm_ldap: ldap_release_conn: Release Id: 0
rlm_ldap: - ldap_xlat end
expand: %{ldap:ldap://{User- Name},OU=Users,DC=marcolinux,DC=local?eckAllowedServices} -> ftp
        expand: %{NAS-Identifier} -> ftp
? Evaluating ("%{ldap:ldap://{User- Name},OU=Users,DC=marcolinux,DC=local?eckAllowedServices}" == "%{NAS- Identifier}" ) -> TRUE ++? if ("%{ldap:ldap://{User- Name},OU=Users,DC=marcolinux,DC=local?eckAllowedServices}" == "%{NAS- Identifier}" ) -> TRUE ++- entering if ("%{ldap:ldap://{User- Name},OU=Users,DC=marcolinux,DC=local?eckAllowedServices}" == "%{NAS- Identifier}" ) {...}
+++[ok] returns ok
++- if ("%{ldap:ldap://{User- Name},OU=Users,DC=marcolinux,DC=local?eckAllowedServices}" == "%{NAS- Identifier}" ) returns ok
++ ... skipping else for request 0: Preceding "if" was taken
Found Auth-Type = PAM

but it works only if eckAllowedServices has only one value. eckAllowedServices is a multi-string attribute, that is for example



it works only for the first element of the array, ... so in the preceding example only if eckAllowedServices[0]=ftp

is there a way to have it recursively process all the elements of the array to do the comparison?

I tried

if ("%{ldap:ldap://{User- Name},OU=Users,DC=marcolinux,DC=local?eckAllowedServices[*]}" == "% {NAS-Identifier}" )


if ("%{ldap:ldap://{User- Name},OU=Users,DC=marcolinux,DC=local?eckAllowedServices}[*]" == "% {NAS-Identifier}" )

but had no luck

Marco Carcano

just for info (for other users that may read this post in the future): I was wondering if it performed an anonymous bind to the directory - LDAP URL does not contain credentials, so I raised up ldap server verbosity and gave a look to the log, .... it works authenticated as in modules/ldap - I think this is really important: in my server I prohibited anonymous binding also from localhost

Il giorno 26/nov/10, alle ore 09:31, Alan DeKok ha scritto:

Marco Carcano wrote:
I RTM unlang, but I have to admit I only got confused - The only thing I have understood is to write a simple statement like this (in authorize

       if (NAS-Identifier == "ftp" ) {
       else {

and I think is even wrong because returns always OK :(((((

 And.... what does debug mode say?

I noticed on some posts people using a syntax like if (NAS- Identifier ==
%{sql: SELECT ... BLA BLA} )

 See "man unlang".  This is documented.

but I have not been able to see a working example using ldap,

if (NAS-Identifier == "%{ldap: ... ldap stuff ... }") {

thinking at the %{sql:SELECT ...} example I tough I syntax almost like this

       if (NAS-Identifier ==
(eckAllowedServices)" ) {

 You didn't use the same form as the SQL example.  The brackets have
*meaning*: %{}

 See "man unlang".

 Alan DeKok.
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