On 03/12/10 16:39, James Winter wrote:
My apologies before hand if this is an easy fix, but I have been
working on configuring a radius server on and off now for a few weeks.
As a note, I have Radius 2.1.10 installed and I am trying to
authenticate using Ldap as the user database. I have little to no
experience in both Radius and Ldap, but I have been reading up and
looking for documents that explain the process well. The majority of
documents that I did find were on an older version of radius, or were
not pertinent to my situation. The following is a copy of my screen
when I try authenticating a remote device to the radius server, please
let me know if this helps(or if you would like more information on my

You haven't said what your problem is!

The radius server is authenticating the user successfully:

Sending Access-Accept of id 186 to port 4844
Finished request 3.
Going to the next request

...so what's the problem?
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