Aurélien Geron wrote:
> I wrote a presentation of RADIUS, EAP and FreeRADIUS, in French, for my
> colleagues.  The presentation is quite detailed, and I thought it might
> be a good introduction for anyone interested in RADIUS, EAP and FreeRADIUS.

  It's very good.

> I used Keynotes on Mac and I exported the result to HTML (unfortunately,
> it actually produces a bunch of roughly 170kB JPEG images, I don't know
> if there is a better export solution to HTML).  Here's the result:

  Better conversions should be possible.  My main complaint right now is
that there's no navigation.  Everything is all on one URL, with no way
to move back, or to pick a specific slide.

> I have two questions:
>     * is anyone interested in helping me translate it to English? I
>       could try to translate about 10 slides per week in my spare time,
>       but given that there are 215 slides... it will take months !

  Yes, I think it's very useful.

>     * is there any better place you would recommend my publishing it? I
>       would be happy to make it open source, should anyone else want to
>       fix errors or contribute more information (I covered writing
>       simple python modules, but not C modules, for example).

  We can host it on, if you want.  If there's a good HTML
conversion, that would help, too.

> Note: some of the diagrams are extracted from a WiFi book I wrote a few
> years back, and my publisher authorized me to publish some extracts on
> my website, but I will probably need his authorization before I can make
> those diagrams open source (I don't think he'll mind at all, though).


  Alan DeKok.
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