Brian Carpio wrote:
> No one was on the box doing anything… I was looking into this issue with
> google and came across a thread back in Nov 2009 about an issue a user
> was experiencing with radiusd 2.1.8, and this user send some gdb dumps
> to the development team… I can’t seem to recreate the issue as quickly
> as he does (plus my server is in production) but I didn’t see any follow
> up if this is a known bug? Is this fixed in 2.1.10?

  It's something which is seen only on FreeBSD.  As far as I can tell,
it's a race condition in the threading code.  It's difficult to track
down and debug, unfortunately.

  Given the level of complexity of the current code, it's probably best
to re-write it, to be simpler and cleaner.  That way the bugs will be
easier to track down.

  Alan DeKok.
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