Samuel Isaias Barriga Perez wrote:
> I'm working on setting it up to authenticate users (windows XP)  to our
> wireless network which I succesfully completed, when I run radiusd -X
> (debug) my output is as follow:
> I tried everything and according to the debug output this is what I am
> getting, and the wiki page said that I should check into the
> certificates, I erase the  the clients certificates reinstalled and I
> have the same output, plese can some one give me a hand.

  The wiki page doesn't say to erase and re-install the client certificates.

  The wiki page *does* include a reference to my web site, which has
*explicit* and *detailed* instructions for debugging EAP.

  This is documented.  Stop asking questions.  Instead, read the
documentation and follow its instructions.  Honestly, it isn't hard.

  Alan DeKok.
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