npayne wrote:
> I have installed freeradius with daloRadius. I have then created a group /
> profile to cut off after using a certain amount of data.

  You've created a profile where you *want* it to be cut off.

  Have you told the NAS to cut the user off after that data?  Is the NAS
capable of doing that?

> I have the
> following problem. It does not cut the user off when the limit was reached
> but it will reject the user when he/she tries to log in again.

  If the NAS doesn't track and enforce data limits, yes.

> The DB only
> gets updated with the used octets once the users logs off. How do I get the
> session to be terminated when the max octets is reached?

  Catch it in the "accounting" section, and tell the NAS to kick the
user off.  How *that* happens depends on the NAS.

  Alan DeKok.
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