
 I think that's a meaningless question.
> RADIUS deals with bytes. It will send as User-Name whatever chunk of bytes
> you give it. It doesn't mangle values.
I am under the impression that RADIUS client (radclient) is itself
is doing the UTF-8 conversion as per RFC 2865 while sending multilingual
username attribute
if it is not in UTF-8 form.

So I think this is not at all a meaning less.
correct me if i am wrong.

> What exactly are you asking about - the program called "radclient"? In that
> case it is you, the person who invokes radclient, who supplies the username
> and password on stdin.
> If you're asking about something else, please be more specific.

   Yes, You have hit the correct nail.
I am talking about radclient only.
If supplied USER-NAme is not UTF-8 encoded by some means
suppose the scenario where UTF-8 support is not there then
at that time what radclient does.

Does it send the same multilingual charcters to the RADIUS server or
first of all convert that into UTF-8 as per RFC 2865 and send it to
RADIUS server in ACCESS REQUEST packet as attribute or
just send as it is to RADIUS server?

Karnik jain
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