Bob Brandt wrote:
> All my testing seems to indicate it should work, but it is not.  I
> believe the problem is in how rlm_python returns the
> "Tunnel-Private-Group-Id" attribute.

  As a string.  The server core parses it into whatever is necessary.
Date, IP address, etc.

> Below are the two snipets of the debugs.  The first is from the
> old(working) system which uses the users file and the second is from the
> new system using the rlm_python module:
>         Tunnel-Private-Group-Id:0 := "150"
>         Tunnel-Private-Group-Id:0 = "150"
> The debug output looks for the most part identical! 


> Now, initially when using the users file, I had the same problem I am
> having now, where the wireless access point was getting the attributes
> but was not putting me in the correct VLAN.  The problem turned out that
> I was passing a string to the "Tunnel-Private-Group-Id" attribute
> instead of an integer. Once I removed the quotes from the VLAN ID
> everything was working perfectly.

  Hmm... I don't see why.  The attribute is defined to be a string.

  Using quotes or not shouldn't make any difference.

  Alan DeKok.
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