On 18/02/11 14:02, Nathan McDavit-Van Fleet wrote:
Thanks to everyone for the pointers.

I'm just wondering, but is there an issue for my local "concordia.ca"
realm because sometimes it's local and sometimes it is coming from

Eduroam logically consists of two separate functions:

1. "Home" site. This is where your users are somewhere else, and authentication is inbound from eduroam.

2. "Visited" site. This is where other users are at your site, and you are sending their authentication outbound.

These can, and should, be implemented as two separate FreeRadius virtual servers.

Case #2 has the special situation of your own users using eduroam at your own site (e.g. to test it). You should make sure that you "short-circuit" the request, and authenticate it locally.

The link Alan posted contains good examples of doing this.
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