------- Forwarded message follows -------
From:   Breuer Nicolas <nicolas.bre...@belcenter.biz>
To:     freeradius-de...@lists.freeradius.org
Subject:        Seg Fault - 3.0
Date sent:      Wed, 16 Mar 2011 15:23:22 +0100


I discovered a Seg Fault on the release 3.0 on the GIT server.

Seems happening on the first auth.
(30) Login OK: [XXX] (from client XXX)
(30) # Executing section post-auth from file /etc/XXX.conf
(30) +- entering group post-auth {...}
(30) ++? if (reply:Framed-IP-Address)
(30) ? Evaluating (reply:Framed-IP-Address) -> FALSE
(30) ++? if (reply:Framed-IP-Address) -> FALSE
(30) ++- entering else else {...}
rlm_sql (ACCOUNTING-01): Reserving sql socket id: 14
(30) [IP-POOLING-01] expand: %{User-Name} -> XXX
(30) [IP-POOLING-01] sql_set_user escaped user --> 'XXX'
(30) [IP-POOLING-01] expand: BEGIN -> BEGIN
(30) [IP-POOLING-01] expand: COMMIT -> COMMIT
(30) [IP-POOLING-01] expand: SELECT ip_address FROM radippool WHERE pool_name 
= '%{reply:Pool-Suffix}*%{Huntgroup-Name}' AND expiry_time < NOW() ORDER BY 
pool_name, expiry_time LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE -> SELECT ip_address FROM radippool 
WHERE pool_name = 'BC*' AND expiry_time < NOW() ORDER BY rand(), pool_name, 
expiry_time LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE

Segmentation fault

I see the expand of variable HuntGroup-Name didn't get any values...

Maybe the reason of Seg fault ?

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