joanroldan wrote:
> I have followed your advise and I went back to the default config. I have
> read the:
> And I have followed it step by step. Testing first the PAP auth with an
> entry in users.conf and it worked fine. Next I add the Wireless LAN
> Controller in clients.conf and change the default eap_type with peap.

  That is *not* the next step in the guide.  Follow the steps in the
guide, there's a *reason* there is more than one step.

> I get the next warning:
> Debug: WARNING:
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Debug: WARNING: !! EAP session for state 0xc729a88ac72ab1dd did not finish!
> Debug: WARNING: !! Please read
> Debug: WARNING:
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Testing with an WinXP and Win7 client, so I do not think its a Supplicant
> issue.

  You're wrong.  It's almost *always* a supplicant issue.

> The supplicant config is PEAP with MSCHAPv2, and no certificate validation.
> I have a look to certs/README file, and I have studied the ./bootstrap
> script I make sure xpextensions are applied.I also launch
> rm -f *.pem *.der *.csr *.crt *.key *.p12 serial* index.txt*
> Before modifying the server.cnf and ca.cnf and launch bootstrap script
> again.
> I always get the same warning, I do no undestand why. In
> says it just worked, but not in my enviorment.

  Make sure that the root certificate is on the Windows machine, too.

  Alan DeKok.
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