Using the above script I was able to get a clean install to contact my
kerberos server via 'inner-tunnel' and 802.1x.  Unfortunately, Kerberos is
reporting that it needs the User-Password attribute.  I've modified the
script to show that the User-Password is empty in 'inner-tunnel'.  As usual,
the radtest to localhost  works as expected.  eap.conf only has
eap-default-type set to tls, client.conf has the access point loaded, and
'inner-tunnel' is as above, except that if (!User-Password) {...} is added. 
All other files are clean reinstall on centos 5.
Below is the obligatory Debug -X file.

joe Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Info: Starting - reading configuration files ...
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including files in directory
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including files in directory
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including configuration file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: group = radiusd
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: user = radiusd
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: including dictionary file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: main {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       prefix = "/usr"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       localstatedir = "/var"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       logdir = "/var/log/radius"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       libdir = "/usr/lib64/freeradius"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       radacctdir = "/var/log/radius/radacct"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       hostname_lookups = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       max_request_time = 30
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       cleanup_delay = 5
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       max_requests = 1024
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       allow_core_dumps = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       pidfile = "/var/run/radiusd/radiusd.pid"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       checkrad = "/usr/sbin/checkrad"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       debug_level = 0
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       proxy_requests = yes
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  log {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       stripped_names = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       auth = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       auth_badpass = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       auth_goodpass = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  security {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       max_attributes = 200
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       reject_delay = 1
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       status_server = yes
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: radiusd: #### Loading Realms and Home
Servers ####
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  proxy server {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       retry_delay = 5
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       retry_count = 3
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       default_fallback = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       dead_time = 120
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       wake_all_if_all_dead = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  home_server localhost {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       ipaddr =
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       port = 1812
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       type = "auth"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       secret = "testing123"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       response_window = 20
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       max_outstanding = 65536
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       require_message_authenticator = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       zombie_period = 40
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       status_check = "status-server"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       ping_interval = 30
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       check_interval = 30
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       num_answers_to_alive = 3
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       num_pings_to_alive = 3
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       revive_interval = 120
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       status_check_timeout = 4
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       irt = 2
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       mrt = 16
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       mrc = 5
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       mrd = 30
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  home_server_pool my_auth_failover {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       type = fail-over
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       home_server = localhost
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  realm example.com {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       auth_pool = my_auth_failover
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  realm LOCAL {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: radiusd: #### Loading Clients ####
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  client localhost {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       ipaddr =
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       require_message_authenticator = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       secret = "testing123"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       nastype = "other"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  client AccessPoint {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       ipaddr = 10.x.x.x
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       require_message_authenticator = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       secret = "newmexicoconsortium"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       shortname = "NMCproBe"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       nastype = "other"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: radiusd: #### Instantiating modules ####
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  instantiate {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:     (Loaded rlm_exec, checking if it's
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to module rlm_exec
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating exec
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   exec {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       wait = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       input_pairs = "request"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       shell_escape = yes
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:     (Loaded rlm_expr, checking if it's
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to module rlm_expr
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating expr
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:     (Loaded rlm_expiration, checking if
it's valid)
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to module rlm_expiration
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating expiration
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   expiration {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       reply-message = "Password Has Expired  "
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:     (Loaded rlm_logintime, checking if
it's valid)
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to module rlm_logintime
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating logintime
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   logintime {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       reply-message = "You are calling outside
your allowed timespan  "
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       minimum-timeout = 60
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: radiusd: #### Loading Virtual Servers ####
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: server inner-tunnel {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  modules {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Checking authenticate {...} for
more modules to load
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:     (Loaded rlm_pap, checking if it's
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to module rlm_pap
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating pap
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   pap {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       encryption_scheme = "auto"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       auto_header = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:     (Loaded rlm_krb5, checking if it's
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to module rlm_krb5
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating krb5
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   krb5 {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       keytab = "/path/to/keytab"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       service_principal = "name_of_principle"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Auth: rlm_krb5: krb5_init ok
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Checking authorize {...} for more
modules to load
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Checking session {...} for more
modules to load
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:     (Loaded rlm_radutmp, checking if it's
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to module rlm_radutmp
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating radutmp
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   radutmp {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       filename = "/var/log/radius/radutmp"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       username = "%{User-Name}"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       case_sensitive = yes
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       check_with_nas = yes
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       perm = 384
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       callerid = yes
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Checking post-proxy {...} for
more modules to load
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:     (Loaded rlm_eap, checking if it's
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to module rlm_eap
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating eap
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   eap {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       default_eap_type = "tls"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       timer_expire = 60
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       ignore_unknown_eap_types = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       cisco_accounting_username_bug = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       max_sessions = 2048
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_md5
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating eap-md5
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_leap
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating eap-leap
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_gtc
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating eap-gtc
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:    gtc {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       challenge = "Password: "
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       auth_type = "PAP"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:    }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_tls
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating eap-tls
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:    tls {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       rsa_key_exchange = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       dh_key_exchange = yes
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       rsa_key_length = 512
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       dh_key_length = 512
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       verify_depth = 0
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       pem_file_type = yes
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       private_key_file =
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       certificate_file =
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       CA_file = "/etc/raddb/certs/ca.pem"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       private_key_password = "whatever"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       dh_file = "/etc/raddb/certs/dh"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       random_file = "/etc/raddb/certs/random"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       fragment_size = 1024
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       include_length = yes
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       check_crl = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       cipher_list = "DEFAULT"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       make_cert_command =
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:     cache {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       enable = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       lifetime = 24
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       max_entries = 255
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:     }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:    }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_ttls
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating eap-ttls
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:    ttls {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       default_eap_type = "tls"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       copy_request_to_tunnel = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       use_tunneled_reply = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       virtual_server = "inner-tunnel"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       include_length = yes
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:    }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_peap
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating eap-peap
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:    peap {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       default_eap_type = "mschapv2"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       copy_request_to_tunnel = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       use_tunneled_reply = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       proxy_tunneled_request_as_eap = yes
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       virtual_server = "inner-tunnel"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:    }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to sub-module
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating eap-mschapv2
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:    mschapv2 {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       with_ntdomain_hack = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:    }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Checking post-auth {...} for more
modules to load
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:     (Loaded rlm_attr_filter, checking if
it's valid)
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to module rlm_attr_filter
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   attr_filter attr_filter.access_reject {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       attrsfile =
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       key = "%{User-Name}"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  } # modules
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: } # server
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: server {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  modules {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Checking authenticate {...} for
more modules to load
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:     (Loaded rlm_chap, checking if it's
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to module rlm_chap
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating chap
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:     (Loaded rlm_mschap, checking if it's
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to module rlm_mschap
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating mschap
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   mschap {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       use_mppe = yes
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       require_encryption = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       require_strong = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       with_ntdomain_hack = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:     (Loaded rlm_unix, checking if it's
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to module rlm_unix
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating unix
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   unix {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       radwtmp = "/var/log/radius/radwtmp"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Checking authorize {...} for more
modules to load
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:     (Loaded rlm_preprocess, checking if
it's valid)
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to module rlm_preprocess
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating preprocess
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   preprocess {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       huntgroups = "/etc/raddb/huntgroups"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       hints = "/etc/raddb/hints"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       with_ascend_hack = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       ascend_channels_per_line = 23
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       with_ntdomain_hack = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       with_specialix_jetstream_hack = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       with_cisco_vsa_hack = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       with_alvarion_vsa_hack = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:     (Loaded rlm_realm, checking if it's
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to module rlm_realm
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating suffix
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   realm suffix {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       format = "suffix"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       delimiter = "@"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       ignore_default = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       ignore_null = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:     (Loaded rlm_files, checking if it's
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to module rlm_files
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating files
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   files {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       usersfile = "/etc/raddb/users"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       acctusersfile = "/etc/raddb/acct_users"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       preproxy_usersfile =
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       compat = "no"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Checking preacct {...} for more
modules to load
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:     (Loaded rlm_acct_unique, checking if
it's valid)
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to module rlm_acct_unique
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating acct_unique
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   acct_unique {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       key = "User-Name, Acct-Session-Id,
NAS-IP-Address, Client-IP-Address, NAS-Port"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Checking accounting {...} for
more modules to load
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:     (Loaded rlm_detail, checking if it's
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Linked to module rlm_detail
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating detail
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   detail {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       detailfile =
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       header = "%t"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       detailperm = 384
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       dirperm = 493
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       locking = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       log_packet_header = no
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Instantiating
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   attr_filter
attr_filter.accounting_response {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       attrsfile =
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       key = "%{User-Name}"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:   }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Checking session {...} for more
modules to load
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Checking post-proxy {...} for
more modules to load
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  Module: Checking post-auth {...} for more
modules to load
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  } # modules
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: } # server
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: radiusd: #### Opening IP addresses and
Ports ####
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: listen {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       type = "auth"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       ipaddr = *
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       port = 0
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: listen {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       type = "acct"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       ipaddr = *
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       port = 0
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: listen {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       type = "control"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  listen {
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:       socket = "/var/run/radiusd/radiusd.sock"
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug:  }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: }
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: Listening on authentication address * port
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: Listening on accounting address * port
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: Listening on command file
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: Listening on proxy address * port 1814
Wed Apr 20 14:18:25 2011 : Debug: Ready to process requests.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host 10.x.x.x port 2099, id=0,
        User-Name = "joe"
        NAS-IP-Address = 10.x.x.x
        Called-Station-Id = "021c104128f3"
        Calling-Station-Id = "78ca39bc0256"
        NAS-Identifier = "021c104128f3"
        NAS-Port = 40
        Framed-MTU = 1400
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        EAP-Message = 0x0200000a01746f747465
        Message-Authenticator = 0x89ac236886e773c0c4d5ab2a8a8c3289
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[preprocess] returns ok
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[chap] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[mschap] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [suffix] No '@' in User-Name = "joe",
looking up realm NULL
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [suffix] No such realm "NULL"
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[suffix] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 0 length
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] No EAP Start, assuming it's an
on-going EAP conversation
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[eap] returns updated
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[unix] returns notfound
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [files] users: Matched entry DEFAULT at
line 204
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[files] returns ok
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[expiration] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[logintime] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [pap] WARNING! No "known good" password
found for the user.  Authentication may fail because of this.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[pap] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] EAP Identity
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] processing type tls
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [tls] Requiring client certificate
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [tls] Initiate
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [tls] Start returned 1
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[eap] returns handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 0 to 10.x.x.x port 2099
        EAP-Message = 0x010100060d20
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0xdd105c2bdd11510762e93958e0c3f1d3
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Finished request 0.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug: Going to the next request
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug: Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host 10.x.x.x port 2099, id=0,
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Cleaning up request 0 ID 0 with timestamp
        User-Name = "joe"
        NAS-IP-Address = 10.x.x.x
        Called-Station-Id = "021c104128f3"
        Calling-Station-Id = "78ca39bc0256"
        NAS-Identifier = "021c104128f3"
        NAS-Port = 40
        Framed-MTU = 1400
        State = 0xdd105c2bdd11510762e93958e0c3f1d3
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        EAP-Message = 0x020100060319
        Message-Authenticator = 0xba61fba10d6a196c3808ac451c9b8057
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[preprocess] returns ok
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[chap] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[mschap] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [suffix] No '@' in User-Name = "joe",
looking up realm NULL
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [suffix] No such realm "NULL"
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[suffix] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 1 length
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] No EAP Start, assuming it's an
on-going EAP conversation
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[eap] returns updated
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[unix] returns notfound
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [files] users: Matched entry DEFAULT at
line 204
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[files] returns ok
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[expiration] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[logintime] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [pap] WARNING! No "known good" password
found for the user.  Authentication may fail because of this.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[pap] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] Request found, released from the list
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] EAP NAK
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] EAP-NAK asked for EAP-Type/peap
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] processing type tls
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [tls] Initiate
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [tls] Start returned 1
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[eap] returns handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 0 to 10.x.x.x port 2099
        EAP-Message = 0x010200061920
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0xdd105c2bdc12450762e93958e0c3f1d3
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Finished request 1.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug: Going to the next request
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug: Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host 10.x.x.x port 2099, id=0,
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Cleaning up request 1 ID 0 with timestamp
        User-Name = "joe"
        NAS-IP-Address = 10.x.x.x
        Called-Station-Id = "021c104128f3"
        Calling-Station-Id = "78ca39bc0256"
        NAS-Identifier = "021c104128f3"
        NAS-Port = 40
        Framed-MTU = 1400
        State = 0xdd105c2bdc12450762e93958e0c3f1d3
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0x4047b0bc80d020d772aa38cd5422c8a1
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[preprocess] returns ok
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[chap] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[mschap] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [suffix] No '@' in User-Name = "10.x.x.x",
looking up realm NULL
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [suffix] No such realm "NULL"
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[suffix] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 2 length
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] Continuing tunnel setup.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[eap] returns ok
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] Request found, released from the list
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] EAP/peap
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] processing type peap
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] processing EAP-TLS
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug:   TLS Length 154
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] Length Included
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] eaptls_verify returned 11 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap]     (other): before/accept
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: before/accept
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] <<< TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0095],
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 read client
hello A 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] >>> TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 002a],
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 write server
hello A 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] >>> TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 085e],
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 write
certificate A 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] >>> TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0004],
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 write server
done A 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 flush data 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: Need to read more
data: SSLv3 read client certificate A
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug: In SSL Handshake Phase 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug: In SSL Accept mode  
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] eaptls_process returned 13 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] EAPTLS_HANDLED
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[eap] returns handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 0 to 10.x.x.x port 2099
        EAP-Message =
        EAP-Message =
        EAP-Message =
        EAP-Message =
        EAP-Message = 0xa73082038fa0030201020209
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0xdd105c2bdf13450762e93958e0c3f1d3
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Finished request 2.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug: Going to the next request
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug: Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host 10.x.x.x port 2099, id=0,
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Cleaning up request 2 ID 0 with timestamp
        User-Name = "joe"
        NAS-IP-Address = 10.x.x.x
        Called-Station-Id = "021c104128f3"
        Calling-Station-Id = "78ca39bc0256"
        NAS-Identifier = "021c104128f3"
        NAS-Port = 40
        Framed-MTU = 1400
        State = 0xdd105c2bdf13450762e93958e0c3f1d3
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        EAP-Message = 0x020300061900
        Message-Authenticator = 0x7c035bbf6b241a95d2a22f744a102f03
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[preprocess] returns ok
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[chap] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[mschap] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [suffix] No '@' in User-Name = "joe",
looking up realm NULL
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [suffix] No such realm "NULL"
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[suffix] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 3 length
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] Continuing tunnel setup.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[eap] returns ok
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] Request found, released from the list
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] EAP/peap
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] processing type peap
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] processing EAP-TLS
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] Received TLS ACK
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] ACK handshake fragment handler
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] eaptls_verify returned 1 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] eaptls_process returned 13 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] EAPTLS_HANDLED
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[eap] returns handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 0 to 10.x.x.x port 2099
        EAP-Message =
        EAP-Message =
        EAP-Message =
        EAP-Message =
        EAP-Message = 0xc1bd1cf2f83eb432
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0xdd105c2bde14450762e93958e0c3f1d3
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Finished request 3.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug: Going to the next request
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug: Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host 10.x.x.x port 2099, id=0,
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Cleaning up request 3 ID 0 with timestamp
        User-Name = "joe"
        NAS-IP-Address = 10.x.x.x
        Called-Station-Id = "021c104128f3"
        Calling-Station-Id = "78ca39bc0256"
        NAS-Identifier = "021c104128f3"
        NAS-Port = 40
        Framed-MTU = 1400
        State = 0xdd105c2bde14450762e93958e0c3f1d3
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        EAP-Message = 0x020400061900
        Message-Authenticator = 0x53ed16f1e518e85e03755d94da317033
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[preprocess] returns ok
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[chap] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[mschap] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [suffix] No '@' in User-Name = "joe",
looking up realm NULL
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [suffix] No such realm "NULL"
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[suffix] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 4 length
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] Continuing tunnel setup.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[eap] returns ok
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] Request found, released from the list
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] EAP/peap
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] processing type peap
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] processing EAP-TLS
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] Received TLS ACK
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] ACK handshake fragment handler
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] eaptls_verify returned 1 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] eaptls_process returned 13 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] EAPTLS_HANDLED
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[eap] returns handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 0 to 10.x.x.x port 2099
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0xdd105c2bd915450762e93958e0c3f1d3
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Finished request 4.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug: Going to the next request
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug: Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host 10.x.x.x port 2099, id=0,
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Cleaning up request 4 ID 0 with timestamp
        User-Name = "joe"
        NAS-IP-Address = 10.x.x.x
        Called-Station-Id = "021c104128f3"
        Calling-Station-Id = "78ca39bc0256"
        NAS-Identifier = "021c104128f3"
        NAS-Port = 40
        Framed-MTU = 1400
        State = 0xdd105c2bd915450762e93958e0c3f1d3
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        EAP-Message =
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0xd728400175580c5a526116bf2f1b1a8f
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[preprocess] returns ok
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[chap] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[mschap] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [suffix] No '@' in User-Name = "joe",
looking up realm NULL
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [suffix] No such realm "NULL"
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[suffix] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 5 length
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] Continuing tunnel setup.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[eap] returns ok
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] Request found, released from the list
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] EAP/peap
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] processing type peap
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] processing EAP-TLS
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug:   TLS Length 326
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] Length Included
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] eaptls_verify returned 11 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] <<< TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0106],
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 read client
key exchange A 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] <<< TLS 1.0 ChangeCipherSpec [length
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] <<< TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0010],
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 read finished
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] >>> TLS 1.0 ChangeCipherSpec [length
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 write change
cipher spec A 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] >>> TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0010],
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 write finished
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 flush data 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap]     (other): SSL negotiation
finished successfully 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug: SSL Connection Established 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] eaptls_process returned 13 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] EAPTLS_HANDLED
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[eap] returns handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 0 to 10.x.x.x port 2099
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0xdd105c2bd816450762e93958e0c3f1d3
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Finished request 5.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug: Going to the next request
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug: Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host 10.x.x.x port 2099, id=0,
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Cleaning up request 5 ID 0 with timestamp
        User-Name = "joe"
        NAS-IP-Address = 10.x.x.x
        Called-Station-Id = "021c104128f3"
        Calling-Station-Id = "78ca39bc0256"
        NAS-Identifier = "021c104128f3"
        NAS-Port = 40
        Framed-MTU = 1400
        State = 0xdd105c2bd816450762e93958e0c3f1d3
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        EAP-Message = 0x020600061900
        Message-Authenticator = 0x8f1642e15961150878f41f38f1df7fec
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[preprocess] returns ok
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[chap] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[mschap] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [suffix] No '@' in User-Name = "joe",
looking up realm NULL
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [suffix] No such realm "NULL"
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[suffix] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 6 length
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] Continuing tunnel setup.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[eap] returns ok
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] Request found, released from the list
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] EAP/peap
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] processing type peap
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] processing EAP-TLS
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] Received TLS ACK
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] ACK handshake is finished
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] eaptls_verify returned 3 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] eaptls_process returned 3 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] EAPTLS_SUCCESS
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[eap] returns handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 0 to 10.x.x.x port 2099
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0xdd105c2bdb17450762e93958e0c3f1d3
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Finished request 6.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug: Going to the next request
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug: Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host 10.x.x.x port 2099, id=0,
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Cleaning up request 6 ID 0 with timestamp
        User-Name = "joe"
        NAS-IP-Address = 10.x.x.x
        Called-Station-Id = "021c104128f3"
        Calling-Station-Id = "78ca39bc0256"
        NAS-Identifier = "021c104128f3"
        NAS-Port = 40
        Framed-MTU = 1400
        State = 0xdd105c2bdb17450762e93958e0c3f1d3
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0xd882a36ea1058c0dac06f385abebdaab
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[preprocess] returns ok
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[chap] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[mschap] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [suffix] No '@' in User-Name = "joe",
looking up realm NULL
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [suffix] No such realm "NULL"
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[suffix] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 7 length
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] Continuing tunnel setup.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[eap] returns ok
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] Request found, released from the list
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] EAP/peap
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] processing type peap
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] processing EAP-TLS
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] eaptls_verify returned 7 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] Done initial handshake
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] eaptls_process returned 7 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] EAPTLS_OK
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] Session established.  Decoding
tunneled attributes.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] Identity - joe
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] Got tunneled request
        EAP-Message = 0x0207000a01746f747465
server  {
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug:   PEAP: Got tunneled identity of joe
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug:   PEAP: Setting default EAP type for
tunneled EAP session.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug:   PEAP: Setting User-Name to joe
Sending tunneled request
        EAP-Message = 0x0207000a01746f747465
        FreeRADIUS-Proxied-To =
        User-Name = "joe"
server inner-tunnel {
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[expiration] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[logintime] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [pap] WARNING! No "known good" password
found for the user.  Authentication may fail because of this.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[pap] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++? if (User-Password)
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ? Evaluating (User-Password) -> FALSE
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++? if (User-Password) -> FALSE
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++? if (!User-Password)
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ? Evaluating !(User-Password) -> TRUE
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++? if (!User-Password) -> TRUE
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++- entering if (!User-Password) {...}
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: +++[control] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++- if (!User-Password) returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Found Auth-Type = Kerberos
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: +- entering group Kerberos {...}
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Auth: rlm_krb5: Attribute "User-Password" is
required for authentication.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[krb5] returns invalid
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Failed to authenticate the user.
} # server inner-tunnel
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] Got tunneled reply code 3
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] Got tunneled reply RADIUS code 3
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] Tunneled authentication was
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] FAILURE
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[eap] returns handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 0 to 10.x.x.x port 2099
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0xdd105c2bda18450762e93958e0c3f1d3
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Finished request 7.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug: Going to the next request
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug: Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host 10.x.x.x port 2099, id=0,
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Cleaning up request 7 ID 0 with timestamp
        User-Name = "joe"
        NAS-IP-Address = 10.x.x.x
        Called-Station-Id = "021c104128f3"
        Calling-Station-Id = "78ca39bc0256"
        NAS-Identifier = "021c104128f3"
        NAS-Port = 40
        Framed-MTU = 1400
        State = 0xdd105c2bda18450762e93958e0c3f1d3
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0x16184e6807f8406dd2a6454fe102d325
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[preprocess] returns ok
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[chap] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[mschap] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [suffix] No '@' in User-Name = "joe",
looking up realm NULL
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [suffix] No such realm "NULL"
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[suffix] returns noop
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 8 length
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] Continuing tunnel setup.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[eap] returns ok
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] Request found, released from the list
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] EAP/peap
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] processing type peap
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] processing EAP-TLS
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] eaptls_verify returned 7 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] Done initial handshake
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] eaptls_process returned 7 
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] EAPTLS_OK
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] Session established.  Decoding
tunneled attributes.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap] Received EAP-TLV response.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [peap]  Had sent TLV failure.  User was
rejected earlier in this session.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] Handler failed in EAP/peap
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [eap] Failed in EAP select
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[eap] returns invalid
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Failed to authenticate the user.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Using Post-Auth-Type Reject
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: +- entering group REJECT {...}
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: [attr_filter.access_reject]    expand:
%{User-Name} -> joe
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug:  attr_filter: Matched entry DEFAULT at
line 11
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: ++[attr_filter.access_reject] returns
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Info: Delaying reject of request 8 for 1 seconds
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug: Going to the next request
Wed Apr 20 14:19:28 2011 : Debug: Waking up in 0.9 seconds.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:29 2011 : Info: Sending delayed reject for request 8
Sending Access-Reject of id 0 to 10.x.x.x port 2099
        EAP-Message = 0x04080004
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
Wed Apr 20 14:19:29 2011 : Debug: Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
Wed Apr 20 14:19:34 2011 : Info: Cleaning up request 8 ID 0 with timestamp
Wed Apr 20 14:19:34 2011 : Debug: Ready to process requests.

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