Mark Jones wrote:
> Ok Im going to try following that guide Monday morning, just one
> question before I get started...does it work with an edir backend and a
> samba server acting as a PDC on an OES2 server?

  Uh... no.  The guide is for getting Active Directory to work.  Active
Directory is not Samba.

  eDir is just an LDAP server.  You've configured it as an LDAP server:

[ldap]  expand: o=hpsd_48 -> o=hpsd_48
  [ldap] ldap_get_conn: Checking Id: 0
  [ldap] ldap_get_conn: Got Id: 0
  [ldap] performing search in o=hpsd_48, with filter (uid=TEST-11501$)
[ldap] Added the eDirectory password xxxx in check items as
[ldap] looking for check items in directory...
[ldap] looking for reply items in directory...
[ldap] user host/ authorized to use remote access

  But you *HAVEN'T* changed the "inner-tunnel" virtual server to use the
LDAP module.  Go read it, and un-comment the line saying "ldap".

  Alan DeKok.
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