Thank you for this reply.

I thought the limitation might come from the wrapping around 4.3 GB due to
the limitations of a 32bit system with 2147483648 being the highest signed
and 4294967296 being the highest unsigned number. 1705032704 is then exactly
the difference to 6GB, after the system wrapped at 4.29GB. I requite the


Sat Jun  4 23:10:21 2011 : Debug: rlm_sqlcounter: Rejected user lapzel14,
check_item=1705032704, counter=2147513300


Exactly the 1705032704 one would expect based on highest 32bit unsigned


Now here is my problem: Why does it wrap at 32Bit, if the system is a x64
server? Does not make a lot of sense to me.


Also, the FAQ is containing instructions how to deal with gigawords in terms
of the sql statements that handel the calculation of the counter value. And
as this is implemented, the counter value is not the problem here - it is
the check_item value that as I understand is based on my configuration,
taken straight out of the radcheck table. 


I am sorry, but this sounds like a limitation/bug of the standard system,
that could be overcome. After all, if it can be resolved with custom perl
code as I understand you suggest, why should the standard system not be able
to handle data limits larger than 4.29GB out of the box? 

Or am I missing something?


Alan, can you enlighten us on this issue?







From: YvesDM [] 
Sent: Monday, 6 June 2011 5:42 a.m.
To: FreeRadius users mailing list
Subject: Re: Problem with rml_sqlcounter with GigaByte datavolume



On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 1:22 AM, Hanno Schupp <> wrote:


Dear All,


can I ask for some pointers please. in my FreeRADIUS Version 2.1.8, for host
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (Ubuntu LTS 10.04) installation I have followed the
Gigabyte instructions on the FreeRADIUS wiki's FAQ
ts+wrap+at+4+GB%3F. The Usage is calculated correctly, but the check_item
value is not what I expect to see (1.7 GB as opposed th 6GB set in
radcheck). I understand who the system determines the counter value and it
is correctly calculated, but where does the check_item vlaue of 1.7GB come
from? I have no idea to be truthful. 


Sqlcounter also wraps at 4GB in its reply.
Your "6GB" is actually 5722.045 MB, then wraps at 4GB so 1,7GB left and this
is replied ;-) 
As far as I know there's no integrated solution to this unless you change
the source code. 
Most people solve this by using rlm_perl if I'm not mistaking. Make your
perl calculate and reply gigawords + remaining bytes when values are >4GB
Ps Make sure your coova-chilli is equal or >1.0.13, else it won't understand
gigawords replies

Kind regards,


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