i'm trying to migrate my radiator server to freeradius, i have to use
something like "IdenticalClients" on radiator:

    # Specifies a list of other clients that have an identical setup.
    # You can use this parameter to avoid having to create separate
    # Client clauses for lots of otherwise identical clients
    IdenticalClients X.X.X.X Y.Y.Y.Y Z.Z.Z.Z

    # Secret is the shared secret between client and this server
    # Any number of characters, any character except newline
    # You must set a secret in every Client clause.
    Secret  somesecret

    # Use this to set a default realm for requests that dont
    # already have one. This can trigger a specific Realm
    # statement for users who log in to this NAS without a
    # realm
    DefaultRealm FQDN

can i replicate this configuration on freeradius?

Thanks in advance

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