On Fri, 15 Jul 2011 08:15 +0700, "Fajar A. Nugraha" <l...@fajar.net>
> I'd look at  these lines:
> [ldap_parrotfish] performing search in ou=CUESTA,dc=cuesta,dc=org,
> with filter (sAMAccountName=nicholas_kartsioukas)
> [ldap_parrotfish] No default NMAS login sequence
> [ldap_parrotfish] looking for check items in directory...
> [ldap_parrotfish] looking for reply items in directory...
> WARNING: No "known good" password was found in LDAP.  Are you sure
> that the user is configured correctly?
> Do you have cleartex-password somewhere in your LDAP schema?

No, but I'm only using LDAP in the authorization section, not in the
authentication section.  Is this incorrect for AD lookups?  From looking
around in the example configs and the wiki it didn't look like the
mschap module or eap modules worked for authorization, just
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