Thanks so much! I understand it now. And thanks for the suggestions and 
additional inputs.


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On Aug 29, 2011, at 10:56 PM, Rich Graves <> wrote:

>> When I shutdown one of the DB, it generates an error. How do I tell 
>> freeradius to ignore that and proceed if it can connect to at least one 
>> of the DB? /etc/freeradius/sql2.conf[22]: Instantiation failed for 
>> module "sql2" 
> Both databases must be up at the time of radiusd startup. This seems
> reasonable; if you have no redundancy, wouldn't you want to know?
> Either one may go down while radiusd is running. 
> It looks like you could force a radiusd startup to "succeed" if one database 
> fails to instantiate, but then it would never retry the connection, and you 
> would be solely dependent on the database(s) that were available at startup. 
> Bottom line, don't start your radius server unless both databases are up.
> On many Linux platforms, you could add an appropriate wrapper script at
> /etc/sysconfig/radiusd to block startup, or perhaps to move a configuration
> specific to the situation into place.
> I think you're better off doing redundancy a layer up, though, like
>    _->radius1 ->db1
> NAS<_         X   |
>     ->radius2 ->db2
> i.e., if db1 is down, go ahead and allow radius1 to return failure to the NAS,
> which will then fail over to radius2.
> -
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