-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Holstein [mailto:michael.holst...@csuohio.edu] 
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2011 10:23 AM
To: FreeRadius users mailing list
Cc: sc...@renshawauto.net
Subject: Re: Windows Pre-Login Auth

> On Windows 7 you can configure pre-login authentication (wireless 
> connection properties -> Advanced settings) both for computer and 
> user. On XP (with native windows client), I don't think that it is 
> possible to do that.

Yes it is .. just check the box for "authenticate as computer account"
in the wireless properties (in XP). IIRC this was introduced when they finally 
fixed the supplicant in sp2.

The credentials come across as COMPUTERNAME$


Michael Holstein
Cleveland State University

Also, would it be better to get the AD authentication working BEFORE I attempt 
to authenticate prior to login or is it the same either way?


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