I guess all the regex gurus will laugh at my request .... I figured it out, for others, looks like this works: .*:SSID_ABC !

On 9/16/2011 6:22 PM, Commonn Systems wrote:
Hello list!

After reading the list pretty much everyday for a month now, going through the docs, manuals and a lot of googling (which always brought me back to the list anyway), I have finally decided which way to go to filter access to two SSIDs, for 2 groups. I am using FR 2.1.11 on Debian squeeze, against an AD domain with LDAP membership lookup. I have 5 AP registered with FR, they each have 2 SSIDs that show in the request as MACADDRESS:SSID_ABC. Based on Phil Mayers on this post, http://freeradius.1045715.n5.nabble.com/How-do-I-have-one-Freeradius-server-hosting-multiple-ldap-instances-and-associate-each-SSID-with-pare-td2847210.html#a2850433 , I would like to match the last 8 characters of the Called-Station-Id, "SSID_ABC"

authorize {
   if (Called-Sation-Id == SOMEREGEX:SSID_ABC) {
     update request {
       Tmp-String-0 = "Staff"
   elsif (Called-Sation-Id == SOMEREGEX:SSID_DEF) {
     update request {
       Tmp-String-0 = "Students"

Everything is working great, this is the last piece of the puzzle to finalize the project. I understand, this does not have anything to do with the wonderful software that freeradius is, but from what I have read, lots of people on this list are very skilled with regex. Thank you so much for all the work and help you put in here.

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