> Then it must be magic. Hire a wizard to fix the problem.

Thanks, your sarcasm is really helpful!

> Something *you did* broke the server. Either say what you did, or
> good luck solving it yourself.

> i.e. See the FAQ for useless comments like "it doesn't work", which is
> what your messages amount to.

I *DID* say what I did: increased the amount of accounted users, nothing else.
I said what changes I did to the server in order to improve mysql performance.
This doesn't look to me like saying "it doesn't work".
And on the other hand, if I haven't been detailed enough you could have asked 
more specific questions, and I would have answered. Instead of wasting time 
trolling at me. I haven't been trolling, I didn't say "this software sucks", I 
just asked for help for a specific problem. So either help and it'll be 
appreciated, or I'd suggest you to save your time and read other mails.

Lorenzo Milesi - lorenzo.mil...@yetopen.it

YetOpen S.r.l. - http://www.yetopen.it/
Via Carlo Torri Tarelli 19 - 23900 Lecco - ITALY -
Tel 0341 220 205 - Fax 178 6070 222

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