On 10/19/2011 08:41 AM, Fajar A. Nugraha wrote:

has the complete safe_characters needed. Turns out FR uses the
safe_characters from the LAST instantiated sql instance. Manually
putting the sql instances in instantiate section of radiusd.conf, with
the one containing safe_characters I want last, works as expected.

Yeah, that's a tedious bug that's hard to solve. The "sql_xlat" function calls "radius_xlat" and supplies "sql_escape_func" as the final argument; unfortunately the "escape functions" you can pass to "radius_xlat" just get the input string and output buffer - they don't get any per-module config, so making the safe_characters per-module is tricky.

I did have some patches making the escape function (but not the safe_characters) selectable and offering "\xAA" as well as "raw" i.e. no escaping. The latter was intended for use with Postgres' dollar-quoted strings e.g.

select * from foo where bar=$tag$this is the string$tag$

Are you using postgres? If so, you could try to abuse this feature by making EVERY character safe, then perform the escaping yourself by doing this:

update request {
  SQL-Query := "select * from foo where bar=$tag$%{User-Name}$tag$"
  SQL-Result := "%{sql:%{SQL-Query}}"

It's not the most secure option; someone could contrive to get the string "$tag$; drop table foo" into a radius field, but if you can be sure this won't happen (e.g. sanitise it) it might work.
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