Phil Mayers wrote the following on 1/16/2012 11:18 AM:
On 16/01/12 16:55, Blake Hudson wrote:

It seems pretty straight forward to use one instance for auth and
another for accounting, but I did not see an example or documentation on
how to associate a sql instance to a nas. If you could point me in the
right direction I'd appreciate it.

Simply match any attribute you want in the request, and then call the relevant modules:

authorize {
 if (Client-IP-Address == {
 elsif (Client-IP-Address == {

You probably want to match on Huntgroup, Client-Shortname or some other more useful field than source IP.

Thanks. That's awesome. I didn't realize that I could create decision points in the config like that. Hunt groups combined with a couple if statements should provide a great mechanism for what I want to implement. Thanks for the direction.

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