On 01/19/2012 11:25 AM, James wrote:

I've successfully set up a radius server to support 802.1x
authentication using peap mschapv2 and samba to authenticate users
against AD.
To do this I followed configuration on the freeradius.org website and
the AD integration howto on deployingradius.com, thank you very much
for writing these!

I now need to assign the vlan due to membership of some group in AD
and I understand that an ldap lookup is needed.

Where in the configuration do I check this group and map it to a vlan?
Can I do it as a default entry in the users file or is it needed
somewhere else?

Thank you very much,


Hi James,

I don't know anything about AD and I presume you are using the latest FR.

I'm currently testing an ldap-group check in authorize using unlang:

This is part of a switch statement:

case 'NAS-Prompt-User' {
 #Check if user is member of a certain group
  if (Ldap-Group == "cn=mygroup,ou=groups,o=radius") {
    update reply {
      Service-Type := "Administrative-User"
  #else DENY
  else {
    update control {
      Auth-Type := reject

But I reckon you could also do something like that in post-auth section

if (Ldap-Group == "cn=mygroup,ou=groups,o=radius") {
  update reply {
    Tunnel-type = VLAN
    Tunnel-medium-type = IEEE-802
    Tunnel-Private-Group-Id = 1

This works for me :) it might as well for AD.



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