Il 26/01/2012 12:24, Phil Mayers ha scritto:

> You can re-use bits of "unlang" as virtual modules. See "policy.conf".
> This is often a bit neater than $INCLUDE.
Perfect! Exactly what was needed.

> FreeRADIUS config is basically:
> "if", "elsif" are just blocks. Blocks need to start on their own line.
> The name is intended as a hint here - it's NOT a programming language.
> It's a syntax for writing authentication policies and rules, that is a
> bit like a language.
Then maybe the second sentence (and following) in the second paragraph
in the 'keywords' section of the man page could be more like:
"unlang is a sequence (ordered list) of action blocks. Each action
block, identified by a keyword, starts on its own line and can span
multiple lines where a sub-block is allowed. Processing of a block is
sequential, from the first line to the last."

This gives a pretty (quite regular) EBNF grammar... :)

>> That seems quite a serious limit in the unlang grammar...
> That's quite a statement. Can't you just hit "return" after "}"?
Sure. That statement was due to a misunderstanding: that error made me
think I couldn't chain more than one elsif !

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