> So to confirm, your new module is basically files module, but it does
> NOT cache anything in directory, but re-read the files on disk for
> every request, is that correct?

Roughly correct.  No caching, and reads on disk for every request. We rely on 
the block-buffer cache to make it go blisteringly quick.

The "rough" part is that it isn't a replacement for the "files" module as such. 
 Instead, it is a module you list in the config before "files". Our module then 
sets a value for use *by* the "files" module. The "files" module is still used 
exactly as is.

I think Alan summarised it best as being similar to this:

   update request {
      My-Magic-Attr = "%{sql: SELECT .. from ..}"

Then in the "users" file the value of "My-Magic-Attr" can be used to select 
particular DEFAULT entries to return attributes.

What is different about our module is that "update request" above would look 
something like this:

   update request {
      My-Magic-Attr = "%{read-line-from-file: /blah/%{Username}}"

But we wanted to avoid SQL and move to a file-based system as we had reached 
the end of our tether on SQL optimisation, budget, debugging, etc.

> Using unlang, we then create a failsafe scenario, so if that a
> concurrent request comes that exceed the number of max sql thread, it
> would automatically accepted (i.e. basically Auth-Type=accept), but
> with a low timeout (e.g. 1 hour). That way the user can connect, but
> it'd reconnect and reauthenticate later when the system is (hopefuly)
> not-so-busy.

This is very good idea.  Note that our problem was more about stability than 
raw performance. We still don't really know *why* we had the stability issues 
and are now relaxing with a beer because it's all gone away now :)

Lazy? Yes.  Happy?  Very :)

> Interesting. I wonder if we can hack a detail reader to behave similar,
> e.g.:
> - send "start transaction"
> - read lines from detail file
> - every 10 seconds or before deleting the detail file, send a "commit"

I suspect this would give all the benefits we gained by writing the events to a 
file and batch loading. Simpler too.

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